on and offline
press office

To provide your company with resonance, increase your products’ notoriety, optimize advertising presence while containing costs and create on and offline communication streams so as to improve your image and positioning, our press office can be the ideal content provider.

Our press office manager, after 20 years’ experience in the b2b sector and thanks to long-standing relationships with editorial boards, can create detailed press releases, even with technical contents, and circulate them in the best way – on and offline – to exploit all the free space that publishers offer us (not just on magazines included in the media plan).

Published articles are not paid advertisements and are therefore more credible for readers, who acknowledge these contents with the same prestige as editorials.

An essential complement to media planning, press office activity generates contents –product press releases, case histories, corporate communications on the management and organisation of the company – that, besides providing visibility to the company on the media, both on and offline, also double up as raw material for newsletters, house organs, posts on your social media, updates of the news area on the corporate website… set in a coherent and coordinated system of communication streams which strengthen each other, at very moderate costs when compared to results.