brand identity

Brand identity, corporate and product image are aspects that define your offer, creating the brand awareness that determines its success on the market. Communicating your brand identity using all available media is essential to differentiate your offer with respect to competitors and win over clients.

Companies and products that have been on the market for some time may require a restyling to revitalize the communication strength and impact of your brand: our creative department will be eager to help you with this task.

We can design for you every aspect of the creation or re-launch of your brand identity:

  • Naming: creation of unique names, coherent with your offer and the markets where you operate
  • S
tudy of baselines, claims and payoffs
Creation or restyling of the corporate or product logo/brand
Creation of the coordinated corporate image
  • Design and production of flyers, company catalogues, packaging
  • Restyling and creation of websites and social media pages

…while keeping in mind that with the support of appropriate advertising and press office campaigns, your brand identity will be in the limelight!