Leister: same budget, increased visibility

Resorting to a communication agency to spread content relative to your Company is not a luxury for the privileged few: there are considerable advantages to be derived even with small investments and, even with the same budget, results are generally much more interesting with respect to the do-it-yourself option.

A case in point is Leister Technologies Italia, the dynamic Italian branch of the Swiss multinational Leister, leader in the production of plastic welding and process heat machinery; in 2015 the company began working with the communication agency Atlantide. In 2016 the budget entrusted to the agency was the same as that managed directly by Leister in 2014, but the number of publications obtained by Atlantide (including adverts and editorials) was more than trebled.

How was this result obtained?           

Paolo Possa, General Manager, Leister Technologies Italia, explains: “We have been working with Atlantide since 2015 and their support during these years enabled us to make a leap forward in our ability to communicate using online and offline platforms. We are the branch of a multinational but our size is that of a SME, so our Marketing and Communication budgets are limited. This was the case especially during the year when we began working with Atlantide, since almost all available resources had been allocated to trade shows. Given a very limited advertising budget, the agency succeeded n 2015 in maximizing Leister’s presence on the communication platforms which are important for us”.

In 2016 the trade shows, held every two years, which had absorbed the best part of the advertising budget for 2015 did not take place; the company could therefore rely on more sizeable resources, going back to the same spending level as in 2014. Atlantide’s work therefore focused on media planning, combined with press office activity.

Decades of experience and a consolidated relationship with publishers brought results: the Agency obtained coverage in terms of paid advertisements and free editorials adding up to three times as much as in 2014 spending basically the same amount; in 2016 publications relative to Leister increased by 185% and, as Paolo Possa remarks, “we further increased the visibility of our brand and of our products both offline and online”.

Specifically, what advantages did you obtain?      

First of all, entrusting an Agency with communication means saving precious time: the Company interacts only with the agency, making the workflow leaner and getting rid of a good part of the workload. But the decrease in the workload was not the only advantage for Leister, there were more: let us examine them in detail.

In 2014 Leister purchased directly 23 half-page advertisements on specialized magazines, obtaining 5 free editorials, adding up to 28 publications. In 2016 the Agency, with an equivalent budget, purchased 22 half-page advertisements and obtained 58 free editorials, adding up to 80 publications.

After the success reaped offline, the company moved on to online media.

Given the very encouraging results, in 2016 Leister decided to allocate a small budget to explore the territory of social platforms, still uncharted for the company, soon to discover that it had a considerable appeal for online audiences. “In a matter of just a few months, with Atlantide’s support, we reached more than 6,000 target Likes on Facebook, which seems like “lots of good stuff” to us, considering we are a B2B company operating in a niche market,” Paolo Possa continues. This came as a surprise to Leister but not to Atlantide, well aware of the fact that the Social media world is increasingly used by B2B companies: the potential of these media is remarkable, targeting is very accurate and, if explored with the right techniques, they can provide very exciting results.  Accurate promotion activities on the most widely used Social network in Italy – Facebook – brought in only 6 months a wide base of contacts to the Client, people who, spontaneously, decided to keep in touch with Leister, enabling the Company to communicate with them with a very interesting cost per contact and redemption rate. The different activities which were part of the cooperation between Leister and Atlantide – media planning, press office, social media management – allowed to insert the content prepared by the Agency within a coherent and coordinated system of communication streams, maximizing efficiency and conferring greater visibility to all aspects of Leister’s products and services.

What about the future?

In order to capitalize on the results obtained during these first few years of cooperation it is important to carry on with the strategies enacted so far, since the improvement of brand notoriety and brand reputation, on- and offline, is a continuous process with results that show up in the long term. Work is in progress: by carrying on with enthusiasm with the activity already planned, Atlantide envisages to continue by Leister’s side along the path towards improvement, while sharing great satisfaction.

For an analysis of your advertising investments contact Atlantide: call +39 02 67073283 or send an e-mail to info@atlantideweb.it.

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