Content marketing and social networks, a valuable combination for B2B companies

93% of B2B companies in North America use social media, which consequently place first among B2B marketing tools in terms of frequency of use, as revealed by a report issued by the Content Marketing Institute (CMI)..

Companies consider the potential of these media particularly interesting to generate useful contacts; lead generation techniques may be BTW direct and indirect.

The former, with links leading to a landing page where contact data are required, are useful to increase rapidly the number of names in the company’s data base; however, indirect techniques – with links leading to blogs or other forms of informative pages – are a more mediated and apparently slower mechanism, but they are also more coherent with the “social” aspect of sharing (content s provided freely, without any pressure to acquire data).

The use of indirect techniques leads to very interesting results: the lower immediacy is compensated by the quality of the contacts generated, which is the aspect considered as most important by the best part of companies considered in the CMI report.


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